Upcoming Dates and Events
March 5, 2025: Ash Wednesday
10:30AM - Ash Wednesday Service with imposition of ashes. All are welcome.
March 26, 2025: Volunteering at the Union Gospel Mission Kent Warehouse. Contact the church office for information.
March 30, 2025: 5th Sunday Potluck
Join us following 10AM service for a delicious potluck. Bring a dish to share!
April 9, 2025: Riverton Place visit with cookies and summer "stuff" for the men (water bottles, sunscreen, etc.). Contact the church office for more information.
April 18, 2025: Good Friday
April 20, 2025: Easter
--7:00AM - Easter Sunrise Service at Alki
--10:00AM - Easter Celebration Service at St. Paul's